BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_699 DTSTAMP:20130531T072108 DTSTART:20130705T193000Z DTEND:20130705T200000Z CATEGORIES:Concert SUMMARY:TRIESTINE PARTISAN CHOIR PINKO TOMAŽIČ (ITA) DESCRIPTION:On stage:Triestine partisan choir Pinko TomažičPia Cah, conductressDirty FingersDarko NikolovskiDrago Mislej Mef \n\nThe Triestine Partisan Choir Pinko Tomažič was established in 1972 at Bazovica near Trieste (Italy) on the initiative of former partisans. The principal aim of the choir is to continue the tradition of the national liberation struggle, to preserve partisan songs and to spread the ideals of peace, fraternity and equality among the nations.

\n\nThe first conductor of the choir and one of its founders was Oskar Kjuder, a former partisan, member of the Overseas Brigade and a proud representative of Slovenian minority from the village of Lonjer near Trieste, who conducted and represented the choir for as long as 25 years. He was succeeded by Pia Cah, a native of Križ near Trieste, who has conducted the choir to the present day. \n\nThroughout its existence, the choir has held over 1000 concerts. The singers from Trieste spread partisan and rebel songs over Italy, Slovenia and all parts of former Yugoslavia. The choir also visited other parts of Europe (Austria, Greece) as well as the former Soviet Union. 

Since its beginnings, the choir has had over 500 members (singers, soloists, musicians and reciters), both Slovenians and Italians from the Trieste and Gorizia Karst areas as well as from different parts of Slovenia. For the last 15 years, the choir has been enriched by female voices. \n\nToday, the choir has over 100 members. Only ten of them have remained from the very beginning. They are, however, always happy to welcome new reinforcements, especially young people from both sides of the (former) border who have joined the choir in the recent years. Their arrival is a guarantee that the values for which the Triestine Partisan Choir Pinko Tomažič has strived for will continue to live in the future. \n\nDeath to fascism – freedom to the people! ORGANIZER;CN="ZAVAROVALNICA TRIGLAV": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR