BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_531 DTSTAMP:20130531T072107 DTSTART:20130702T183000Z DTEND:20130702T190000Z CATEGORIES:Street theatre SUMMARY:MOTHER COURAGE (ITA, FRA, GER, AUT, LTU, LAT, BUL, MDA, TUR, UKR, SLO) DESCRIPTION:Mother Courage in a large-scale street performance based on motifs of Bertolt Brecht's play. The performance is close to the audience, the action takes place right in front of the spectators who can almost touch the performers. Moreover, during the show the spectators get more and more involved as they are incorporated in the final part of the performance.\n\n\n\nThe topic about war and people, who are dragged in either willingly or unwillingly, seems very up-to-date, especially due to the aftermath of the crisis, pressing down hard on the so-called first world. At the same time the image of the businesswoman, living parasitically off the war with her canteen wagon, is very streetlike. It seems that Brecht with his enstrangement effect is very streetlike himself, since from the inside of his black box he keeps sending warnings that it is only theatre not real life, which is actually what street art wants to create on the street – theatre in the real-life surrounding.\n\nThe spectacle is a walkabout performance, moving together with the audience. It is based on the wagon of Mother Courage. Both spectators and performers divide into two groups, each with its own motifs, paroles, symbols, however, people shout out similar slogans which they identify with. It looks as though there is going to be a confrontation, an actual combat ...\n\nAlmost forty performers and creators joined forces in the show, coming from 11 countries, mostly from Slovenia, however, some individuals and groups come from Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR