BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_25 DTSTAMP:20130531T072107 DTSTART:20130621T190000Z DTEND:20130621T193000Z CATEGORIES:Concert SUMMARY:MANOUCHE • NULA KELVINA DESCRIPTION:MANOUCHE\n\nRobert Pikl (vocal, guitar), Marco Grabber (DJ), Petra Trobec (vocal, accordion), Luka Ipavec (trumpet), Krešimir Tomec (bass)\n\nEven before they published their first album titled Kje si lubi? (Where are you, dear?) in 2012, the audience went gaga over their energetic singles combining electro-swing, house and gipsy. They drew spectacular attention to themselves when they performed as supporting act at the Zaz concert in Ljubljana in May 2012 and from that moment on the only way was up, up, up. Watch out for some hot and wild entertainment! \n\nNULA KELVINA\n\nMarko Boh (vocal, keyboards), Klemen Kotar (bass), Gašper Kržmanc (guitar), Miha Kržmanc (drums)\n\nTwo years ago, Nula Kelvina started out as a trio (Marko Boh, Klemen Kotar and Jure Rozman). After a few months, they released their first album Možgani na paši. By then, the members were not new to music and have already been involved in numerous projects. Unique controversial lyrics and playing with different genres quickly got the attention of radio stations and the audience.\n\nShortly after the successful promo concert in KUD France Prešeren, where they used theatrical approach and interactive flirting with the audience, they were joined by guitarist Gašper Kržmanc, who was involved in recording their first album. During their first year, Nula Kelvina had some memorable performances (Izštekani, Godi-Bodi festival) and radio hits, but they soon focused on their second album Drenov grič that was released this January and pays tribute to music of the sixties. The lyrics are full of cynicism, the sound is sharpened by the lead role of guitar and drum beats, and their music is influenced by rock and blues. The songs, such as Včeraj, Dan zvezde in Na golici pod goro, can already be heard on the radio. In April, drummer Jure Rozman was replaced by Miha Kržmanc, who brought youth and freshness to the band. ORGANIZER;CN="PINUS": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR