BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_299 DTSTAMP:20130531T072107 DTSTART:20130628T173000Z DTEND:20130628T180000Z CATEGORIES:Concert SUMMARY:ARHAI DESCRIPTION:Zvezdana Novaković – gothic harp, vocals\n\nVasko Atanasovski – wind instruments\n\nNino Mureskic - percussion\n\n\n\nARHAI is an intimate fusion of archaic and noble sound of gothic harp, wind instruments, percussion and vocals. Three musicians from different countries explore the magical sounds of African lullabies, old English ballads, traditional music of Sweden, Slovenia, Bulgaria and original music that allow improvisation.\n\n\n\nZvezdana Novaković\n\nShe graduated in jazz vocals at the Graz University of Music and Visual Arts (KUG). She is currently doing her masters in traditional Bulgarian singing in Plodiv and studies harp with her mentor Tina Žerdin. She is working on numerous projects, like Brazilian bosa music, solo harp project or music theatre Diagnoza project. She is also a guest artist on many projects (SNG Maribor, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Carmina Slovenica, Kebataola), and works with Svetlana Makarovič on the musical-literary event “Lovec na ljudi” (Bounty hunter).\n\n\n\nVasko Atanasovski\n\nSaxophonist and flutist Vasko Atanasovski is one of most creative and versatile Slovenian composers and musicians, known for his trans-genre cooperation with world-renowned jazz, rock, classical and traditional musicians as well as for his professional approach to all musical styles. He has released 10 albums, won numerous awards, and was praised by the audiences and critics for his performances and compositions both at home and abroad. He regularly performs at major festivals and events across Europe; he also performed in New York, India and China. Internationally renowned soloists, ensembles, choirs and orchestras use his music. Since 1997, he has been mainly focusing on his projects and composing chamber, orchestral and choral music, puppet, dance and theatre performances. He also founded or co-founded several music groups.\n\n\n\n\n\nAndrej Hrvatin\n\nAfter primary school, he attended percussion workshops with Nino Oreškič (Slovenia), Jatinder Thakur (India) Hakim Ludin (Afganistan, Avstrija), Carl Rizz (Italy), Okay Temiz (Turkey) and Pandit Suresh Talwalkar (India). He is a member of various groups: Helík, Ansasa trio, Essaouira project and World Happiness Orchestra.\n\n\n\nHe has cooperated with many bands and groups as well as dance and theatre performances: Drum Cafe – Carmina Slovenica , Vrata – Branko Potočan – Fourklor in Cankarjev dom, Fool Cool Orchestra – Suita Quasi Balcanica, Cana flamenca, Tinkara Kovač acoustic band, Mef in NOB, Tadej Vesenjak and Rdeči Gadi, Ansasa trio with Samo Šalamon, SUR, and many more. ORGANIZER;CN="VARNOST MARIBOR": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR