BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_265 DTSTAMP:20130531T072107 DTSTART:20130627T190000Z DTEND:20130627T193000Z CATEGORIES:Concert SUMMARY:HAMO & TRIBUTE 2 LOVE • TWIN ARROWS (FRA) DESCRIPTION:HAMO&TRIBUTE 2 LOVE \n\nMatevž Šalehar Hamo (guitar, vocal), Martin Janežič Buco (drums, percussion), Uroš Primožič (guitar), Uroš Škerl (bass), Jani Baš (Hammond/Rhodes piano), Matej Mršnik (guitar)\n\nIt is a fusion of reality, visions, encounters, goodbyes, persuasion, daydreams, endless monologues, love stories and mighty dogmas. There is not much space left for a dialogue. So it was moved into music and resulted in the creation of individual lovers of harmony, rhythm, music, and raw emotions, that go by the name Hamo & Tribute 2 love.\n\nEven if you insist you’ve never heard of them you will change your mind as soon as you hear familiar songs such as Rožice, Vija vaja ven, Do youbelieve and Lazy blueser. \n\nHamo & Tribute 2 love are the right answer to hectic everyday life. Their music combines elements of rock, pop, soul, blues and funk. It can contain meaning, political stance or active pretension. Or it can be listened to carelessly while having a beer.\n\nHamo & Tribute 2 love live where sky and hell blend into a wave. \n\n Have you heard them perform live? If you did, see you at Lent. If not, don’t hesitate to ride the wave of love.\n\nTWIN ARROWS (FRA)\n\nEléonore Michelin (vocal), Alexandre Saumont (vocal, guitar, organ), Aurélien Indjoudjian (guitar, organ), Jean-Marc Filipe (bass), Pierre Chatel (drums)\n\nPruritus of flashes the Twin Arrows set hatch out the muddy shores. Under the spell of a bewitching singer they grip the audience with electrical discharges where dead cities crossing, fantasy, ghosts, obsessions and eerie wishes are composing this leprous rock/blues.\n\nAt the graveyard from another time the Twin Arrows rather favour a royal suite than the lavishly coloured legacy. The band fills the gap and takes up with our organs at the end of a hypnotic ride. Languid melodies and yelling riffs are going easily from a form of minimalism to outlandish heights where a cinematic and incantatory landscape is always drawn. ORGANIZER;CN="AVTOCENTER ŠERBINEK": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR