BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_29 DTSTAMP:20130606T072836 DTSTART:20130621T200000Z DTEND:20130621T203000Z CATEGORIES:Stand-up SUMMARY:LONDON CALLING: A NIGHT OF STAND UP COMEDY (GBR) DESCRIPTION:Javier Jarquin\n\nAfter appearing on television and playing and headlining some of the biggest clubs in Australia and New Zealand Javier Jarquin moved to the UK in 2010 where he has established himself as a circuit regular and headline act around the country and in mainland Europe.\n\nHe has performed on the same bill with top names such as Jimmy Carr, Stewart Lee, Jo Brand and Paul Daniels. He is based in London. He is also well known for his Card Ninja act.\n\nMark Restuccia\n\n\n\nIs a London based stand-up comedian/comedy writer/actor/voiceover artist, and he tells jokes to people who in return, laugh. These people are kind.\n\nAccolades include: So You Think You’re Funny - Semi Finalist 2008; Leicester Square Theatre Comedian Of The Year - Finalist 2009; Laughing Horse New Act Competition - Finalist 2010; Amused Moose Laugh Off Finalist 2010; Comedy Reserve Showcase - Edinburgh 2010.\n\nPeter White\n\nOriginally from New Glasgow, NS, Peter White was a computer engineer. He went to school for it. Unfortunately it took him a long time to realize that he hated engineering with a passion. Luckily he found comedy. He started performing in 2005, and within a year was named one of the “Top 5 Up and Coming Comedians in Canada” by CBC Radio’s “So, You Think You’re Funny?” Since then he has dedicated his life to touring back and forth across Canada, headlining clubs, theatres and corporate events in every corner of the country. Peter has been fortunate enough to be invited to many of Canada’s top festivals, including the Prestigious Just For Laugh’s Comedy Festival, as well as three consecutive years at the Halifax Comedy Festival. He also taped his own hour long special for CTV and the Comedy Network’s Comedy Now.\n\nPeter’s clean, clever comedy is highly sought after by corporate clients, including RBC Royal Bank, Holstein Canada, and Sobeys, due to his ability to work any room and to create a unique show for each client. LOCATION:Stand-Up-Bühne ORGANIZER;CN="AVTOCENTER ŠERBINEK": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR