BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_315 DTSTAMP:20130606T132247 DTSTART:20130628T200000Z DTEND:20130628T203000Z CATEGORIES:Konzert SUMMARY:Jazz podium 3: RAMBLAS: ZLATKO KAUČIČ & AGUSTí FERNÁNDEZ (ESP, slo) DESCRIPTION:Agustí Fernández (piano), Zlatko Kaučič (drums, percussion)\n\nThe treat of Kaučič’s Jazz podium is a world premiere (!) of his duet with Spanish pianist Agustí Fernández, not only because Fernández is probably a congenial partner for Kaučič, but because we haven’t heard Kaučič together with a piano before. Fernández’ original approach to the piano combines two big figures of the 20th-century music: the spontaneous energy of jazz pianist Cecil Taylor and the complex form of Greek composer Iannis Xenakis. Fernández’ music uncovers the hidden and combines the spontaneous jazz tradition with contemporary composed music into a unique musical form. Fernández is the first professor of improvisation at the conservatory in Spain and is actively collaborating with many improvisers. Cecil Taylor once said that the piano is really only a system of 88 tuned drums, this is why we can be more than curious about the meeting between Fernández and the Slovenian drum legend. LOCATION:Old radio Jazzlent ORGANIZER;CN="HSE SKUPINA": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR