BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_317 DTSTAMP:20130604T204128 DTSTART:20130628T210000Z DTEND:20130628T213000Z CATEGORIES:Konzert, DJ Abend SUMMARY:EWOK • NEW WAVE SYRIA • MRKVNJ DESCRIPTION:EWOK \n\nMiha Šajina (synth), Milan Jerkič (vocals), Luka Kuhar (drums)\n\nLast year, the Slovene stages welcomed a fresh and new band Ewok. The trio consists of a keyboardist, sound designer and DJ Miha Šajina, also a member of the band Moveknowledgement, energetic singer Milan Jerkič, also a member of the band Intimn Frizurn, and the versatile drummer Luka Kuhar, who was a part of many bands, but his favourite to mention remains Na lepem prijazni. \n\nDuring its first few months, Ewok made a big difference on the Slovene live electronic club scene. The basic sounds of an occasionally rock-sounding trio remain electronic, but their music always ranges from melancholic to entertaining. By now, their idea of a music fusion has already come to life. Their first single Mr. Pacman gives a sound and visual idea about their album No Time and their new song Street Lights is the second announcement of their new electronic album. Unlike the short and crazy Mr. Pacman, Street Lights has more of a dark electronic groove that invites you to the dance floor.\n\n NEW WAVE SYRIA\n\nAnalogue synthesizers, DIY philosophy and circuit-bending were the influences that had a strong impact on the music of New Wave Syria. They find their music more similar to rock'n'roll rather than to typical electronic productions. When making music and playing live, they use various synthesizers, drum machines and other electronic gadgets. The characteristics of their music are distorted melodies and beats, contrast between quiet and loud and adapted vocals.\n\nTheir first album Hello, Yes was released in 2009 with Cheap Tunes Records. The album was well accepted among listeners as well as critics and was declared the best Slovenian album of 2009 by various media. Music from Hello, Yes was also used in Slovenian film Izlet (A trip) from 2011, for which they received a Vesna award for best film music.\n\nIn May ,they will release their second album Summer, which continues the tradition of DIY aesthetics, melodic electro pop, distorted synths and rythm machines.\n\n\n\nMRKVNJ\n\nMarko Jakopanec, also known as "Mark Van J", began his career as a drum'n'bass DJ in 2005 in Montreal. Since then, he had numerous performances in Slovenia and abroad, including shows with famous DJs, such as John B, Generic or Subtone. He is unique because of his melodic drum'n'bass with a lot of vocals and trance influences. His new glitch-hop project called MRKVNJ introduces a new fusion of hip hop, breakbeat and dubstep and Festival Lent is a perfect opportunity to get to know it. LOCATION:Mladinin oder ORGANIZER;CN="NIGRAD": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR