BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_667 DTSTAMP:20130604T203103 DTSTART:20130704T210000Z DTEND:20130704T213000Z CATEGORIES:Konzert SUMMARY:DIRTSWITCH • FLYSPOON DESCRIPTION:DIRTSWITCH\n\nLuka Lamut (vocals), Jani Nendl (guitar/backvocals), Rok Seifert (bass), Uroš Markič (drums)Tracing the story of Dirtswitch back to their beginnings in the cold winter of 2009, the four founding members were just gazing at what would soon prove to be the biggest ride of their lives. A big wave. After the birth of “Restraints”, the band soon discovered a presence overloaded with electrifying energy, uniting them in their passion for music and delivering a live spectacle for all those who are willing to set their spirit free. After receiving praise from fans and critics alike, both home and abroad, the band turned to the studio. Their debut album, “Phoenix Down” was released on September 11, 2011. The album is available internationally on iTunes.\n\nHeavily influenced by the grunge, modern rock and post-grunge artists of the past two decades, such as Alter Bridge, Soundgarden, King’s X and Shinedown, the band’s trademark sound is comprised of heavy, down-tuned riffs combined with powerful and memorable vocal lines.\n\n\n\nFLYSPOON\n\nJaka Strojanšek (guitar), Jernej Hribernik (guitar), Matic Strojanšek (bass), Miha Narobe (drums), Dejan Bogomolec (vocal)\n\nAlternative rock in Slovenia is experiencing new challenges! The country’s new usurpers and disturbers of peace are in this case called Flyspoon. On stage, the men act as a firmly focused group of five musicians, who - from the very start - know what their desires and goals are.\n\nThey have worked together since 2006 and are currently one of the few Slovene groups that create complex modern rock without compromised trends.\n\nIn these years of cooperation they shared the stage with some of the biggest bands in Slovenia, were included in various compilations, had numerous live television performances, and got positive reviews from the media. They were also chosen as the new hope of the Slovenian music scene by RSQ Youngunz Tour and mentioned by Klubski Maraton of the Radio Student in 2009.\n\nTheir demo EP was released in 2010 was described as:“Flyspoon’s demo is a manifestation of eight excellent tracks which are heralds of clearly identifiable copyrighted stance. By providing high energy and dynamics, their abilities are results of conceptual wit, absolute creativity and desire for artistic confirmation! There is a new diamond in a rough on the horizon, which is developing independently. The band relies on its own financing, which is evident from their self-published music documentary.” LOCATION:Mladinin oder ORGANIZER;CN="HSE SKUPINA": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR