BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_449 DTSTAMP:20130605T101440 DTSTART:20130701T163000Z DTEND:20130701T170000Z CATEGORIES:Straßentheater SUMMARY:BLACK-AND-WHITE POSTCARD (CRO) DESCRIPTION:This is a story of a couple, completely ordinary or maybe not. This is a story about a bed which is floating to the moon carrying the sleeping couple and their dreams about perfect love. \n\nWith expressive circus means (acrobatics, balance, stilts, circle), theatre of masks and dance they will guide you into their universe of poetry and innocent naivety. The performance is suitable for all ages. \n\nActors: Melanie Munsch, Željko Hajsok LOCATION:Leon Štukelj Platz END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR