BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_7 DTSTAMP:20130614T122827 DTSTART:20130621T140000Z DTEND:20130621T180000Z CATEGORIES:Workshops SUMMARY:ART CAMP & ADVENTURE PARK DESCRIPTION:THE BEAT OF CULTURE – social science and culture festival\n\n● Tina Jagodič\n\nExperience the music, games and languages of the world and crafts and history of Slovenia. Let’s enter the world of creativity, coloured with tradition and the cultures of the world. The evenings will be diversified by international guests and folk artists participating in the Folkart festival. Come, take a picture with them or even dance with them!\n\n\n\n\n\nETHNO MASTERPIECES AND ETHNO INSTRUMENTS\n\n21. VI. – 6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Bruno Planinc, Barbara Ciglar, Zlatka Kalamar, Zavod Izis, Ivana Kočevar, Breda Ramšak, Natalija Kukec, Mateja Kuhar, Lana Erlač, Andi Podlesnik, Zavod Ekoalt Vindol , Janja Repina Potočki, Sašo Potočki, Vojo Veličkovič, Metka Stergar, Andi Podlesnik\n\n\n\nSLOVENIA'S TREASURES\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije; Milena Antonič, Vlasta Čobal Sedma; Slovenska komisija za Unesco, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj – Ormož; Metka Stergar; Muzej na prostem Rogatec; Natalija Polajžer, Bojana Romih, Matjaž Kitak, Vida Antolinc, Irena Roškar, Zdenka Pulko; Zavod Skrita Energija, Anika Kolar, Nataša Dobre\n\n\n\nGAMES OF THE WORLD\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Zavod MARS Maribor – Violeta Jolić, Vojka Miklavc, Staša Štajnpihler in Lana Erlač; Eva Petan\n\n \n\n\n\nLOVE ON A PLATE – cooking with soul\n\n● Tina Jagodič\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Danilo Ivanuša – Okuspokus, Miha Petri, Zelena Direktiva, Piranski Brancin, Divja Hrana, Matjaževa kuharija, Vegansko društvo Za živali, Cup Cakes, Eko 365, Zeliščarstvo Korina, Masala, Makrobiotika v vsakdanjem življenju\n\n\n\nART RIPENS – Fine Arts Festival\n\n● Alja Krofl\n\n»Art ripens« awakens the young with the help of the visual arts world. On a green meadow it opens the door to imagination, gives the opportunity to experiment with different techniques under the mentorship of experienced mentors. In an environment full of inspiration you can create with natural and recycled materials, draw and paint with a palette of rainbow colours, sculpt clay, wood and stone, catch images through the lens and create your own timeless space. You can exhibit your work in the gallery under the trees. \n\n \n\nART WORKSHOPS FOR OUR YOUNGEST\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Andreja Kuhar, Suzana Jovič\n\n\n\nILLUMINANTS\n\n21. VI.–25. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Borut Popenko, Polona Poklukar\n\n\n\nSCULPTING WORKSHOP\n\n21. VI.–24. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Sebastjan Arnuš, Matej Belina\n\n\n\nCREATIVE FAIR \n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–20.00\n\n● Ana Haberman (Tri luknje), Atelje Lorna & Črtomir\n\n\n\nILLUSTRATION\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–20.00\n\n● Iva Trstenjak\n\n\n\n\n\nCREACTION – production and design workshops \n\n● Vesna Gomboc\n\nCreate, design and process unused and used clothes, decorative objects from your closets, basements and nature. Sew, paint and creatively refresh anything you can find. CreAction promotes ideas, adds new values and innovatively processes the practical and fantasy world. \n\n \n\nTRASHART\n\n21. VI.–25. VI., 16.00–20.00 and 25. VI.–27. VI., 10.00–13.00\n\n● Trash Design, Aleš Zorko, Jurij Vahtar\n\n\n\nCLOTHES, CLOTHES, CLOTHES\n\n21. VI.–24. VI. in 3. VII.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00 and 28. VI.–30. VI., 10.00–13.00\n\n● Miri Strnad – Miricota, Brina Srebre\n\n\n\n\n\nLITTLE CREATIVE FAIR\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–20.00\n\n● JANČINakit – Janja Nekrep, MUCAMACA – Manuela Škorjanec, LUŠKARIJE BOUTIQUE & ART SHOP – Maruša Domjan, UNIKA NAKIT –Urška Ritlop, VIKERLI - Ljubezen do filca – Viktorija Pirjevec, KATAKA lesen nakit – Katja Mijajlović, IRIS A.C. ilustracije, ŠPELCE, LART unikatni nakit – Lana Erlač, UMAJANA STYLE – Jana Umek, MAČKETINA – Tina Hlevnjak, PIKARIN – Lucija Lilić Medved s.p., PRO-BIZ D.O.O, BLANUSHA UPCYCLING – Božena Blanuša, MINI ČAJNATAUN - Nataša Berk & Any Berkway, MISONA – Simona Kenda, VOOLINA – Mateja Kuhar s.p., KVIČKE KVAČKE - Teja Pintarič, BAJKE – Iva Trstenjak, IZZARA – Alenka Vogrinec, METULJČEK CEKINČEK - Mojca Kac, Sandra Kaiser\n\n\n\n\n\nREADING BEACH – literary party\n\n● Vesna Gomboc\n\nExplore the wealth of written word and discover various literary genres from all around the world. You can read books or bring your own and trade it for another one. While listening to fairy tales experience your body through different yoga exercises for kids and adults. \n\nYou are kindly invited to the Little book fair hosting different publishing houses with various literary afternoons and creative workshops. Listen to fairy tales, make your own comics or become a puppet master. \n\n● Lučka Krašovec, Mateja Pačnik\n\n\n\nLITTLE BOOK FAIR \n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Bukvarna Ciproš, založba Litera, založba Obzorja, založba Ara, založba Feliks, založba Pivec, založba Aristej, založba Sanje\n\n\n\nCOMICOTHEQUE\n\n21. VI.–25. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Studio Sanda\n\n\n\n\n\nCHALLENGE – INVENTION – Festival of natural sciences\n\n● Mišel Vugrinec\n\nCHALLENGE – INVENTION takes you from small but interesting things under microscope lenses to the stars. It challenges you to try out the roles of model makers, physicists and scientists, robot makers, aspiring biologists, messy chemists or dreamy astronomers. \n\n\n\nEXPERIMENTAL CORNER\n\n21. VI.–5. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Center eksperimentov Maribor, Društvo za razvoj naravoslovja in tehnike\n\n\n\nASTRONOMY\n\n21. VI.–24. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Društvo Mariborski raziskovalni studio - Nataša Petelin\n\n\n\nMODEL MAKING AND TECHNICS\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko UM – oddelek za tehniko, Blaž Rošer\n\n\n\nCHAT WITH LITTLE ANIMALS KLEPET Z ŽIVALICAMI\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Zveza prijateljev mladine Maribor\n\n\n\nGAMES, SENSING AND SOCIALIZING WITH NATURE\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Zveza prijateljev mladine Maribor\n\n\n\n\n\nNATURE LOVERS – Festival about ecology and planting \n\n● Mišel Vugrinec\n\nThis year the festival offers information and knowledge about one of our biggest treasures – water. Learn how to work with soil and plants and find out more about the green richness around you. Alive! Wild! \n\n\n\nHERBS\n\n21. VI.–28. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Tajda Jamšek, Polona Kumer\n\n\n\nGARDENING DEPARTMENT\n\n21. VI.–5. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Društvo Aktiviraj se – permakulturne delavnice (21. VI.–28. VI.), Društvo Varuhi semen – Kalinčkove delavnice (29. VI.–5. VII.)\n\n\n\n\n\nROOTS OF THE HEART – social and humanitarian project\n\n● Vesna Gomboc\n\nRoots of the heart are treasures, an inner richness of people who help where help is needed most. A presentation of humanitarian and voluntary NGOs in the field of social affairs, health and education. \n\nTry driving a wheelchair, try shooting hoops from a wheelchair, draw with your mouth and feet, play games that are be played by blind or visually-impaired people. Learn sign language. Get to know scout activities, customs and traditions and learn about fire fighting equipment and how hard it is to extinguish a fire. Learn how to resuscitate an unconscious person, accompany the medical expedition to the Maldives and relax during numerous intergenerational creative workshops. \n\n● Humanitarno društvo ADRA Slovenija, Ambasadorji upanja, Slovenska filantropija, Društvo Salezijanski mladinski center Maribor, Ozara Slovenija – delovni center Maribor, Materinski dom in Svetovalnica za žrtve nasilja in zlorab Maribor, Dom upokojencev Danice Vogrinec, Dom starejših občanov Tezno, Medobčinsko društvo Sožitje, VDC Polž, Center za socialno delo Maribor - Materinski dom Maribor, Svetovalnica za žrtve nasilja in zlorab Maribor, Društvo gluhih in naglušnih Podravja, Združenje DrogArt, Društvo študentov invalidov Slovenije, Svet invalidov MOM, Društvo tabornikov XI. SNOUB Maribor, Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Maribor, Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo Pragersko, Center za pomoč mladim, Center za državljansko vzgojo, Dom pod gorco d.o.o., Društvo študentov medicine Maribor, Zavod za usposabljanje Janeza Levca Delovna enota Dom, PETKO, računalniški tečaji za osebe s posebnimi potrebami in starostnike, Mariborska raziskovalna agencija, ZOOPI, Zavod za otrokom in okolju prijazno igro, Društvo paraplegikov severne Štajerske – Maribor, Center za usposabljanje delo in varstvo Matevža Langusa Radovljica, Mednarodna zveza društev IAHD Adriatic, Slovensko društvo za terapijo s pomočjo psov Tačke pomagačke, Zavod 13, ZUDV Dobrna, ŠENT - CDZS Podravska regija –enota – ŠENTLENT, MISC Infopeka, Sonček – Mariborsko društvo za cerebralno paralizo\n\nThis year's focus is on the collaboration with organisations of disabled people. Here are the highlights:\n\n\n\nUNTOUCHABLES – PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION\n\n21. VI.–6. VII. , 10.00–20.00\n\n● Zavod 13, Petra Greiner, Rene Gomolj\n\n\n\nEXHIBITION »I AM A VOLUNTEER«\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–20.00 \n\n● Prostovoljske zgodbe je pripravila Mateja Pačnik , oblikoval jih je Dejan Minič, pod mentorstvom Tjaše Arko. \n\n\n\n\n\nFLEXIBLE, FLEXIBLE, CAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING – sports festival\n\n● Jernej Lorbek\n\nThe morning sports program is enabling children to enjoy fun and interesting sport activities in nature. Every day there will be a motoric polygon (crawling, somersaults, jumps), a labyrinth amongst the trees for adventurers, various sports requisites. Elastic rope jumps, Frisbee and vortex, stilts and ballgames (football, volleyball, dodge ball and badminton), along with presentations of different sports and sports competitions. \n\n\n\nPRESENTATION OF DIFFERENT SPORTS CLUBS\n\n21. VI.–5. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Košarkarski klub Maribor Messer, K2 taekwondo klub Maribor, Športno društvo Maribor Generals, Rekreacijsko – ustvarjalno društvo Eleja, Športno društvo Center Maribor, TO BI d.o.o., Športno in kulturno društvo Capoeira Slovenija, Klub japonskega mečevanja Maribor, Športno društvo Oziris, Veslaški klub Dravske elektrarne Maribor, Vulcano Models-Slimmer Wellness Clubs, Železničarski namiznoteniški klub Maribor, Klub dupleških mažoretk, ZM Volley Family – Odbojkarska šola PPM, Društvo za krepitev telesa, uma in duha, Tao In, Lokostrelski klub Maribor, Svet invalidov mestne občine Maribor\n\n \n\nSIMPL KIDZ FRČOPARK\n\nVisit Frčopark and have a go together with the SIMPL KIDZ gang! Transform yourself into a fearless pilot and prove that the phone is in safe hands! For every hero there’s a gift. Participate in the special prize competition and win a SIMPL KIDZ package. You’re also invited to a fun family photo session.\n\nThe game is suitable for all kids aged 9-12, bring along your parents, too. More at: \n\n\n\nPLACES OF INDULGENCE\n\n● Staša Grilc\n\nWe have something for everyone. Young and old, still child at heart, here you can relax your body and fill your soul. Have a relaxing massage, indulge in bioenergy. During the weekends you can also feed and change your baby. \n\nOoohmmmmm …\n\n \n\nPARADISE REST\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n● Reflexo-therapy and massages Sun Chi, Gaja Klas, Sebatijan Geč, Shiatsu team, Medicinsko estetski center Perfect Body\n\n\n\nBIOENERGY BY ZDENKO DOMANČIĆ \n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00 \n\n● Gregor Hrovatin\n\n\n\nHEALING WITH RECONNECTION\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n● Klavdija Lešnik\n\n\n\n\n\nARTINFO – info point\n\n21. VI.–6. VII., 10.00–20.30\n\n● Zavod MARS Maribor – Staša Grilc, Nadja Emeršič, Saša Dravčbaher\n\n\n\n\n\nINFO STATION OF EYC MARIBOR 2013 \n\n»BRING – TAKE FOR THE RENEWAL OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT IN MARIBOR« is a project of the European Youth Capital Maribor 2013 during which different objects are being collected. Everyone is invited to search their homes and bring the things he/she doesn't need. Maybe someone else will want it. We collect clothes and accessories, school requisites, child equipment, household appliances and decoration. Come, find something for yourself and donate EUR 0.50 (or more, if desired). This way you will contribute to the renewal of playground equipment in Maribor.\n\n● EPM – Špela Debenjak, Martina Rauter, Sara Sorger, Doroteja Zager, Pedro Rodrigues, Kristina Rešek\n\n\n\nThe organiser reserves the right to make any changes to the program. \n\nParticipating in any Art kamp program is at your own risk. LOCATION:Stadtpark ORGANIZER;CN="SIMOBIL SIMPL KIDZ": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR