BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent13.slovenija.net_1_227 DTSTAMP:20130603T145525 DTSTART:20130626T193000Z DTEND:20130626T200000Z CATEGORIES:Folklore-Festival SUMMARY:25. FOLKART (LTU, MKD, ROM) DESCRIPTION:1. LITHUANIA“Lietuva” national folklore ensembleVilna\n\n"Lietuva" is a professional ensemble incorporating dancers, a choir and orchestra. It was founded in November 1940. It combines various folk arts preserved through centuries. The orchestra uses only folk instruments which sound like the most adjustable classical instruments. The costumes represent a rainbow of patterns and colours of many different ethnographical regions of Lithuania. \n\nThe forever youthful, wild and creative ensemble keeps the tradition of old folk arts alive and presents the audience with the beauty of folk art from a land along the Jantar shores of the Baltic sea.\n\n2. MACEDONIA“Orce Nikolov” academic cultural artistic societySkopje\n\nFrom 1945 on they have been preserving the exceptional richness of Macedonian culture which arose from the varied and wild history. The group is spreading the voice of the Macedonian country all around the globe. More than 10.000 dancers helped to shape the rich history of the group and performed at more than 6000 concerts at home and abroad.\n\nThe Macedonian folk dances are an interesting combination of tenderness, manliness and skills which with highly developed rhythms present the folk art in the best way possible. Their fervour and uniqueness of the musicians and dancers of this excellent group perfectly represents the land of sun, countless cultural monuments, many lakes and friendly people. \n\n\n\n3. ROMANIA“Ardealul” folklore ensembleSibiu\n\nThe “Ardealul” ensemble is working under the patronage of the Cultural centre of the University in Sibiu, Romania. It was established in 1995 when the youth realized their wish to loyally represent Romanian folklore around the world. Soon they started performing around the country and abroad.\n\nTheir repertoire is based on local traditions, but also includes traditions from the whole country which is known for its cultural wealth. Through dance and music they are representing all areas of the country and are successfully performing at national and international festivals. LOCATION:Hauptbühne an der Drau ORGANIZER;CN="VARNOST MARIBOR": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR